Confessions of a Self-Help Addict

Image from Christian Marclay’s The Clock

Sometimes I do this thing where I confess semi-embarrassing secrets on the Internet. This week, I told the readers of Hazlitt all about my obsession with motivational books, websites, apps…basically if there’s a product out there explaining how I can be more productive, I’m all over it.

I talked a lot about how much Bullish has affected my life – Bullish, particularly this article, has had a very profound influence on the way I think about my work and leisure. I also found 168 Hours through Bullish, and that’s the book I credit with making my very intense schedule realistic and fulfilling. I never stop talking about how much I love that book.

I also highly recommend reading Laura Vanderkam’s excellent article on the history of self-help literature in America. Did you know the first time the term “self-help” was used, it referred to a book by a man named Samuel Smiles? That makes all kinds of sense to me.

Since it’s the weekend, I’ll also point out how much I love Bullish Life: Achieve Goals and Glory By Recreating Like a Total F*cking Badass. Scheduling time for really pleasurable leisure time is just as important as scheduling time for work – and so is reading about how to create the most pleasurable leisure time. It’s Saturday! Get out there and be extremely productive or do something extremely pleasurable.

– Haley

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