Time Management IRL

One reason to attend conferences is the benefit of hearing from experts. At the Bullish Conference today, experts in time management, negotiation, and life planning inspired and challenged their audience. But applying their wisdom to your everyday life can be challenging. The last session of the day featured Haley Mlotek, giving Bullicorns a real world example with her presentation, All the Tools to Do All the Things.

Haley is the publisher of WORN Fashion Journal, as well as a freelance writer and virtual assistant. Altogether these responsibilities add up to 60 hours of work per week, more or less. What makes this demanding schedule possible (besides a lot of passion) is a slew of helpful tools and inspiring authors. A few of her favorites are:

Evernote: Haley notes, “Each day I find a new way to use this, which makes me love it even more.” Evernote functions as a to-do list and repository, with the added benefit of keeping all the resources for a project in one place.

FreshBooks: Cloud accounting that keeps track of expenses, invoices, and taxes.

DropBox: Storage in the cloud, so you can access your projects at any time.

TurboScan: Turns pictures into jpegs, making it easier to send them by email. This is particularly great for receipts.

Right Inbox: Working until 2:00am on a Wednesday? This app lets you send that email at a later date.

TimeWarp: Kicks you off of your favorite internet timesuck.

Haley’s list of inspiring authors include: Jen Dzuira, Laura Vanderkam, Adam Grant, David Allen, and the folks at Lifehacker.

In closing, Haley shared two snippets of advice with Bullicorns. First, be your own assistant. No one will look after your time unless you do. Second, paraphrasing Woody Allen, Haley compared her work to a shark; it has to keep moving forward.

Emily is the winner of the Bullish Blogger Scholarship. For her very first Bullish post, click here. Follow Emily at @ebrowndowntown on Twitter.

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