Letters from a Motherfucking Stoic: The Audio Recordings

Letters from a Motherfucking Stoic eBook (PDF Download)

Letters from a Motherfucking Stoic: I Got Sick on a Motherfucking Boat – But You, My Friend, Are Sick in Your Goddamn Mind

Letters from a Motherfucking Stoic: How to be Motherfucking Stoic When Everybody Fucking Dies

Letters from a Motherfucking Stoic: Yeah, It’s Noisy, Get Over Your Shit

Letters from a Motherfucking Stoic: Fuck the Crowd, They’re Dicks

Letters from a Motherfucking Stoic: Stay Chill and Don’t Try to Do Too Much Shit

Letters from a Motherfucking Stoic: My Motherfucking Asthma Again