BullCon17 Speaker – Caro Griffin on Practical Advice for New Managers

BullCon17 - Caro Griffin on Practical Advice for New Managers


It’s our pleasure to announce that Caro Griffin, director of operations at SkillCrush, will be joining our speaker lineup this year at The Bullish Conference! Caro is on a mission to make our workplaces better places to work, and to perfect a sweet tea recipe that’s better than her nana’s. Both missions are works in progress.

As she put it in her application,

I’ve grown my team from 3 to 20 and become really passionate about building a company that’s a good place to work. I’d like to share all the things I wish I had known when I started, as well as specific strategies to set yourself up for success in a new role.

This talk would be relevant for any Bullicorn who is currently in a management role, looking to take on management responsibilities in the near future, or wondering if management is the right track for them.

We caught up with Caro for a Q&A and a sneak peek into what she’ll be covering in November.

Hi Caro, I know you attended BullCon a few years ago, we’re exited to have you back! Can you tell us a little bit about your topic this year?

I’m going to be talking all about management! Specifically, what I wish I had known before taking on my first management role.

Managing a team for the first time usually requires us to develop a new skill set, and learning on the job can be really intimidating when you’re trying to look legit in front of a new team. When I accepted my current role, I saw people management as a small piece of the job, and was totally unprepared for the steep learning curve.

Two years later, I’ve grown my team from 3 to 20 and become really passionate about building a company that’s a good place to work. I want to share all the things I wish I had known when I started, and some strategies for setting yourself up for success in a new management role.

What can you tell us about your past experiences at BullCon?

My first experience at the Bullish Conference was to put it mildly, life changing. It made me reevaluate a lot of the things I thought I wanted, and totally changed the way I set goals for myself.

In fact, the goals I set at the conference during Jen’s workshop were the things the very things that kept me from attending the last two years. (I was halfway around the world both times!) I’m glad to finally make it back so my mind can be blown all over again.

We’d love to keep in touch until November, where can we find you online?

I blog occasionally at carolinesyrup.com but am most active on Twitter and Instagram.


Join Caro and our other badass speakers this year a The Bullish Conference. All access passes available here. 

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